I want to talk about the curious case of Mohammed Hobloss, a radical Islamic preacher who is banned from the whole of Europe, the whole of the Schengen area. They don't want him in. But guess what, folks? Looks like he's coming to the UK on a speaking tour. Properly nasty piece of work this guy. He seems to think,
this is what he said by the way, that it is better to be a rapist, a murderer or even a paedophile and to commit those crimes on a daily basis than it is not to pray to Allah. He's also got some pretty weird views about what he calls foreign women, presumably that includes British women.
He says that it's better for you to have an iron nail driven in the back of your skull and through your brain than to touch a foreign woman. No one else seems to want this guy anywhere near their country. But the Home Office, as of today, refuses to confirm or deny whether he's going to be allowed in.

Why is the Home Office running scared?

Mohamed Hoblos must be banned from Britain

Discussion about this video

Wouldn’t surprise me if significant numbers of Home Office Civil Servants have bought tickets to hear this person spout his hateful rhetoric.

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