Well, Keir Starmer is a desperate prime minister in search of a good war, knowing entirely well that it is a completely fake proposal. Keir Starmer knows completely well that you can't send some kind of raggle-taggle gypsy crew of willing volunteers from around Europe to go to Ukraine to, as he puts it, be peacekeepers,
because there's no structure within which to do that. Who would come? on them what precisely is the mission troops don't just go out to a country and kind of operate randomly it has to be under some kind of structure and much as many
eu member states might like it and maybe starmer himself might like it there is no eu defense force that's a project that was tried and failed for many many years but that fail because we've got a much better structure it's called nato and if british

Keir Starmer is in search of a good war

But how far will he go?